Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day Dreams and Distractions

I am finding that I have been doing a lot of day dreaming and hoping... Hanging in here.. and ready to settle down somewhere... I have have my wire work crafts and my new blog on more day dreaming... It's sort of me making a blue-print-ish plan for a hand fasting wedding... Not officially engaged yet but we have a date in mind anyways and the first blog entry explains that a bit and I wrote about how I met and fell in love with Winter.. The idea of the blog is that I don't want to be rushed and I want everything as planned out as possible.... I was actually really distracted by this yesterday and documenting links and info...
But I still can't help but day dream also about that big back yard at Winter's old apartment four-plex... and wondering what all things I could do with it.. So much possibility! Tho, at the same time, I am not even sure I know where to start with it! I know it would be a lot of work and I am so willing to put in the time and energy! ...and money too as much as I can tho that part is harder beecause I figure I will need tools, not sure exactly which ones I'll need yet, or what else I'll need...
Winter talked to his buddy Dan who lives in the apartment next door to the one we are looking at and he says it snowed there and it looks like even if that Lady takes the apartment we want it looks like the unit next door might open up too... Winter's buddy Dan wants to move out but can't yet because his dog Rocky is slowly dying of cancer and he can't leave till that happens. So there might still be a chance for me to get my hands on that yard... The apartment would need brand new carpet which is good and bad... Good cause it's fresh but also bad because new carpets shed like crazy and get their fluff and particles everywhere including in my mouth and nose... and take a LOT of vacuuming... I have no vacuum. It's fine, I'll figure out a way to deal with it lol. Oh and having mentioned the snow, we were planning on going home to Spokane tomorrow but it seems the mountain pass is closed and really bad with snow... IT"S SUPPOSED TO BE SPRING! Sheesh mother nature...

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