And so, I am starting a gardening blog!
For me this will be a log of things that I learn as well as a place
to write about gardening experiences and discoveries in everything
from research on things like the evil of Monsanto and genetically
modified organisms and the economic bullshit to self sufficiency and
counterculture and a little bit of everything else too. I seriously
want to grow my own veggies and herbs for starters and maybe some
fruit and flowers too... When it comes to flowers I want to reclaim a
piece of my past... I lost almost everything I own and am starting
from scratch. I grew up surounded by plants in the large yards of my
grandmothers and all the house plants indoors as well... Angie Case
whom I look up to so much once said something along the lines of that
I am relearning and rediscovering things I already knew... I didn't
realize how much I did already know till I started poking around in
Angie and her husband David's gardening group. This gardening group
is so inspiring and such a great community full of wonderfully active
and creative minds where everyone is kind hearted and generous with
their sharing of knowledge, they make this new addiction of mine so
fun. It not just about gardening it's about exchange of ideas and
information, freedom of speech, you can talk to these people about a
lot of things and have some of the most awesome conversations! There
is also a great sense of genuine support, and caring kindness that
just blows me away and I know that I am not alone, I know I am not
the only one that feels at home being a part of this, a part of a
little family even if not many of us know each other in person. I
feel so lucky to be encouraged to learn and grow... It's exactly what
I have needed. I've been in a new City with seriously limited
interactions... In fact I am currently on a scouting trip with my
love Winter to find us a new home. We have a handful of ideas we're
working on... The one I hope for most is for him to get this job at
the company his friends that we are staying with work at, there is a
lovely little cottage here that I would love for us to rent. I want
more then anything to have a place of my own where I can grow things
and play at my arts and crafts like my wire work and quilting. I plan
to try and trade my wire charms for seeds in our group, I seem to
have a lot of people interested. =D So this is me and the goals of
the blogging... I hope if you read this you find some useful
information! Have a wonderful day or night! <3
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